— About us

We support you as you advance your career

We care about our the mental health community and that is why we offer a wide range of online courses, including Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Radically Open DBT, Trauma Informed Approaches, and more. We want to help individuals live the healthiest lives possible by connecting with well trained and supported mental health professionals!
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25+ Years of Experience


Clinical Leaders

— Our leadership team

Our team is ready to help develop your practice!

Dr. Peter L. King

Clinical & Academic Lead
Dr. Peter L. King is the developer of Stabilisation Based Therapy and the trauma informed adaption of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. He has been an educator since 2004 and has a Ph.D. in Social Work.
Dr. King holds an adjunct position with the faculty of Health at Southern Cross University. 

Dr. Sophie Rushbrook

International Faculty & RO DBT Lead
Dr Sophie Rushbrook is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who is the Head of the Intensive Psychological Therapy Service in Dorset. Dr. Rushbrook was one of the first clinicians to be endorsed as a supervisor and trainer and has been supervising RO-DBT therapists since 2015.

Crystal Black

Child & Family DBT Lead
Crystal Black is a Social Worker who is the DBT Coordinator at the Australian DBT Institute in the Gold Coast. Crystal leads the development of the Australian DBT Institute's Child and Family DBT approach for families with a child under the age of 12 years with Emotion Regulation difficulties.

Allan Murray

ATSI Program Lead
Allan Murray is a proud Dhudhuroa-Yorta Yorta man with a passion to embed traditional Aboriginal LORE practices in everything he does. Allan has been a Senior Advisor to the Minster of Aboriginal Affairs, held a range of training and development roles and has developed the ATSI adaptions of DBT in partnership with the Australian DBT Institute since 2010.

Stuart Langley

Forensic & RUSH Lead
Stuart trained in the United Kingdom, and has worked across a wide range of mental health services including forensic mental health, adolescent mental health and juvenile justice, drug and alcohol clinics, and multiple modes individual and family therapy. He has worked and delivered mental services in Europe, Africa, and Australia.


ACT Lead
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