Australian DBT Institute Self-Paced Webinar
Individual Therapy in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy + 6hr Webinar
This program is offered as self-paced webinar. This webinar was delivered by Dr. Peter L. King and was been recorded by Australian DBT Institute.
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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
An evidence based approach developed by Professor Marsha Linehan from the USA.
Ongoing Access
Participants of this course have ongoing access to all materials provided through this CMHE Academy portal.
A certificate of completion is available on CMHE Academy in the final section of this program.
All materials are copyrighted. When using the materials provided please acknowledge each author!
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
DBT or DBT informed approach as individual therapists, case managers and skills coaches seeking to identify ways of identifying skills most relevant to their individual clients.
This workshop will explore DBT that offers a skills-based non‐judgemental approach to the management of client’s with Extreme Emotion Dysregulation, Borderline Personality Disorder and/or clients who are self-harming. In particular key concepts of Core Mindfulness and Distress Tolerance as acceptance-based modules; teaching clients how to live with reality “as it is” will be explored. Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness as change‐oriented modules, teaching clients how to alter themselves or their environments will also be addressed.
Content Covered
Content Covered
- Commitment in DBT
- Setting up your DBT Individual Sessions
- Running a DBT Informed practice
- DBT Skills
- Individual Therapy
- Behavioural Chain Analysis
- Phone Coaching
- Management of Therapy Interfering Behaviours
- Contingencies
- Middle Path (Behaviouralism, Dialectics & Validation)
Australian DBT Institute Workshop Materials
Individual Therapy in DBT + 6hr Webinar
Australian DBT Institute & South East Asian DBT Institute