Self-Paced Learning Program

Foundations in DBT

This program is offered as self-paced learning and provides participants with the foundations in DBT! This course is a pre-requisite for other DBT Courses with the Australian DBT Institute!
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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

An evidence based approach developed by Professor Marsha Linehan from the USA.

Ongoing Access

Participants of this course have ongoing access to all materials provided through this CMHE Academy portal.


A certificate of completion is available on CMHE Academy in the final section of this program.


All materials are copyrighted. When using the materials provided please acknowledge each author!

Foundations in DBT

Foundations in DBT

Foundations in DBT

Foundations in DBT

Foundations in DBT

Foundations in DBT

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), developed by Marsha Linehan PhD at the University of Washington, is a type of psychotherapy (sometimes called “talking therapy”) for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). DBT is often referred to as a cognitive behavioural therapy, meaning it is a therapy that focuses on the role of cognition (e.g., thoughts and beliefs) and behaviours (e.g., actions) in the development and treatment of BPD. DBT includes some changes to the traditional cognitive behavioural elements of therapy in order to help specifically reduce the symptoms of BPD including a stronger focus on behavioural change with a continued commitment to acceptance-based strategies including validation. Additionally, DBT focuses on a hierarchy of in-session targets in skills training, individual therapy and phone coaching. DBT is also known as a team-based approach with all clinicians involved in treatment attending a weekly/fortnightly consultation team meeting.

Program Content

  • Overview of DBT Theory (Research, Theoretical Basis, Stages of Treatment, Structure)
  • Commitment in DBT
  • Skills Training
  • Individual Therapy
  • Phone Coaching
Foundations in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Self-Paced Learning Resources

Developed by

Australian DBT Institute

The Australian DBT Institute is a specialist service established in 2004 during a formal partnership and mentoring through Marsha Linehan’s (developer of DBT) training organisation Behavioral Tech LLC between 2003 and 2008.

A range of DBT Approaches

With our diverse range of professional development courses, you can gain the skills and knowledge you need to advance your career.

Online and Face-to-Face learning

The ADBTI delivers a range professional development courses in DBT, RO DBT and Trauma Informed Care online and in person!
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